Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dunkin' Pig

This is about a pig and a girl.  It's a movie that Housie and Maple have.  Housie and Maple are my sons.  Now we are going to get going on the movie.

Once upon a time there was a girl inside a restaurant named Hailey.  All she did was sit in a chair with nothing.  It was Friday on the weekend.  She was very lonely, except once a week on Fridays.  Once when no one was at the restaurant she got up from her chair and noticed something.  She noticed that Annie dropped a piece of bread.  She picked the piece of bread up.  She placed it in her chair and picked it up and suddenly she heard knocking on the door.  She opened the door.  She looked.  She saw nothing.  She didn't notice a little piece of blonde hair.  She shut the door.  And then she heard punching and hitting.  She opened the door again.  She noticed a face.  She had a customer!  She gave the piece of bread to the customer and the customer walked out the door and shut it behind her.  As the customer got in her car she dropped the piece of bread on a rock.  Hailey heard a little thump.  She looked out the door and saw her bread on a rock.  She went outside and picked up the bread and went back in the restaurant. 

In another country there was a boy.  He had a pet.  It wasn't just any pet.  It was a pig superhero.  While the man was off doing karate, the pig got out of his pighouse and went to the store.  He saw something that he had never seen before.  It was a brand new, shiny cape.  He went and paid for it.  Just as the man got home from karate, the pig rushed back to his pighouse.

Hailey, off at the restaurant, put her hand on her tooth.  Her tooth began to wiggle.  She took a little piece of the bread and ate it.  Suddenly her tooth was gone!  She saw a little fairy.  It dropped some chocolate coins.  She picked up one of the chocolate coins.  She ate it.  All her bottom teeth almost broke. 

The pighouse had two baskets of grain and corn.  And there was a little puddle of mud in a little cup.  There was some water and some squeaky toys filled with mud.  Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak.  Smush.  Yum yum yum, delicious corn.  The pig smashed his head on his gate and looks out at a little purple house.

Hailey walks to that country and she sees a pig.  Hailey says, "Hello pig."  The pig put his cape on.  Hailey hopped on.  The pig was starting to fly.  The pig flew up into the air and into the restaurant, asking the girl, "Could I have your bread?" Hailey said, "We can share it together."  And they ate and then danced.

They went into town.  They saw horrible ocean waves.  Hailey went with the wave.  The pig jumped in there and got Hailey and ran out of the ocean and onto the beach!  They figured that they made a hundred sand castles.  They had more fun sifting for gold.  And they lived happily ever after.

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