Sunday, January 19, 2014

Awesome Poems for Everyone

Hi, my  name is Zolly, and I am going to tell you some poems today.  Our first poem is, "What Pet Should I Choose."

What pet should I choose?
Should I choose a tiger?
Or should I choose a bear?
Should I choose an elephant?
Or a keeka-kocka-kare?
Or a bob-ted-booby?
Or a chicken perhaps?
A googy-guac-guyi-goo?
But I got stuck with the baby kittens.

The next poem is, "Who Drank My Wine?"

I poured a cup of wine.
As I walk away
El Macho comes and eats it
and left it with a snake.

The next poem is, "Records Aren't Handy."

I put on a record.
I sit and lay down.
As I listen to the record
it keeps going around.
Now on my record
my music must change
and it brings it to bad music.
Oh poor me, Bapa Banes.
Cockadoodle doo, moo moo moo, OINK!

The next poem is going to be, "In the Shower."

Hi.  I went inside the shower.
My little sister comes in
and opens the door.
When the door opens
spray, spray, spray, spray
Oops.  My shower blew up.

The last poem is, "My Stinky Perfume."

I put on some perfume today.
It smelled like grapes,
but I didn't like the smell.
Now I'm putting on more perfume.
It smells like lemons.
I did not like the smell.
Now I'm putting on perfume again.
This perfume smells like strawberries.
I did not like the smell.
So I put on some more perfume.
this time it smelled like chocolate cupcakes.
I did not like the smell, of course.
So I put on some different perfume.
This perfume had no smell,
but I did not like it.
But then I saw some good perfume.
I put it on
I loved the smell of the vanilla cupcake perfume.

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