Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dunkin Pig's Nose Tooth

Dunkin Pig's Nose Tooth is a great adventure.  Teeth can go in noses or mouths.  You'll see in these adventures!  Now you will see the story start.

One day Dunkin Pig was sitting on the potty and he lost his tooth.  But something strange happened when he held it in his hand.  The tooth came to life, and the tooth started singing:

I'm out of your mouth now.  
Who knows what I can do?  
I'll go up your nose now, 
and I hope it won't hurt you.

So, Dunkin Pig's tooth did as it said and went up his nose.  First the nose tooth saw two roads.  'Right or left?' the nose tooth wondered.  So the nose tooth just jumped up the right nostril.  At first, all he saw was hair and snot.  Then, he saw snot trees and booger bees.  He thought a nose was much better than a mouth.  Then, when he got to almost the end of the nostril, he saw something weird.  And when he saw that he hurt Dunkin Pig.  Dunkin Pig screamed, "OUCH!"

"Hailey, Hailey!" he yelled.

"What is wrong, Dunkin Pig?"

"My tooth crawled up my nose."

Hailey said, "Well, since I'm a doctor now, I know exactly what we have to do!  I have to go up your nose, Dunkin Pig.  Don't worry, now.  It won't hurt."  And then Hailey jumped up his nose.  Hailey got to the same place as the nose tooth.  She talked to the nose tooth:

"I know what you saw," Hailey said.  "It's a booger monster!"

Then, the nose tooth had a plan.  The nose tooth flinged closer at the monster.  And the nose tooth saw something.  There was three monsters.  They were playing guitars, and they were singing:

If you wanna get through,
You have to pay the toll.
You have to sneeze us out
Of the nose!

"Well, so," the nose tooth said.  "And how exactly are we going to sneeze you out?"

"You have to make Dunkin Pig do a large sneeze," the monster said.

So, Hailey said, "Nose tooth, stay here.  I'm going a little bit farther down to yell to Dunkin Pig: SNEEZE!"

Hailey slid down the nostril, and Hailey yelled, "SNEEZE! SNEEZE!"  But to Dunkin Pig, it sounded like this: "sneeze, sneeze."

So Dunkin Pig said, "What?"  He gasped.  "Sneeze!"  So Dunkin Pig sneezed a huge sneeze: "AH CHOO!"

The booger monster almost blew out.  But when he was flying to the end, they grabbed onto a hair.  Dunkin Pig said, "Ah ha!" when he saw the booger monsters, and he sneezed a smaller sneeze: "Ah choo!"  The booger monsters flew out.

Then, Hailey jumped out saying, "Have great journeys, nose tooth.  Have great journeys, nose tooth."  And then, Hailey got a vacuum cleaner and vacuumed everywhere, even on Dunkin Pig. And that was the last of the booger monsters.

The End.

Monday, June 23, 2014

I Don't, I Do

My name is Poopiehead.  Once upon a time, I went to sleep.  It was morning and stinky old Dad said, "Poopiehead, it's time for breakfast!"  So I got up and went to breakfast.  The dad had some French toast made out for me.  "Mmm, French toast and bacon," I said.  I looked at my French toast and bacon.  "Dad, why did you make me French toast and bacon?! I hate French toast and bacon!"  And I stomped off to play.

First I said, "I'm hungry.  Dad, can you make me some breakfast?"  Dad said, "No! I already made you some breakfast."  I said, "Oh, right. Disgusting head."  So I ate a paper bag instead.  I whispered to myself, "I wish I could eat my dad instead."

Unfortunately, I grew up and my dad turned one-billion.  And he died.

One day I was driving in my car and I got into a big accident and I peed my pants.  I said, "I wish my dad was here to change my pants."

The End

I didn't get Housie and Maple this movie anyway.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Awesome Poems for Everyone

Hi, my  name is Zolly, and I am going to tell you some poems today.  Our first poem is, "What Pet Should I Choose."

What pet should I choose?
Should I choose a tiger?
Or should I choose a bear?
Should I choose an elephant?
Or a keeka-kocka-kare?
Or a bob-ted-booby?
Or a chicken perhaps?
A googy-guac-guyi-goo?
But I got stuck with the baby kittens.

The next poem is, "Who Drank My Wine?"

I poured a cup of wine.
As I walk away
El Macho comes and eats it
and left it with a snake.

The next poem is, "Records Aren't Handy."

I put on a record.
I sit and lay down.
As I listen to the record
it keeps going around.
Now on my record
my music must change
and it brings it to bad music.
Oh poor me, Bapa Banes.
Cockadoodle doo, moo moo moo, OINK!

The next poem is going to be, "In the Shower."

Hi.  I went inside the shower.
My little sister comes in
and opens the door.
When the door opens
spray, spray, spray, spray
Oops.  My shower blew up.

The last poem is, "My Stinky Perfume."

I put on some perfume today.
It smelled like grapes,
but I didn't like the smell.
Now I'm putting on more perfume.
It smells like lemons.
I did not like the smell.
Now I'm putting on perfume again.
This perfume smells like strawberries.
I did not like the smell.
So I put on some more perfume.
this time it smelled like chocolate cupcakes.
I did not like the smell, of course.
So I put on some different perfume.
This perfume had no smell,
but I did not like it.
But then I saw some good perfume.
I put it on
I loved the smell of the vanilla cupcake perfume.