Tuesday, April 23, 2013

the best sprinkles trip

It was Taco Tuesday today.  That means that we had tacos today and today is Tuesday.  And then we talked about going to Sprinkles.  Dad said, "Go get your shoes on" and I got my shoes on.  And I got my coat and ripped down the coat rack.  It fell down and I was freaking out.  Then we drove to Sprinkles.

I got my ice cream.  I got mint chocolate chip with gummi bears.  That's my favorite kind and that's the kind I wanted first.  The ice cream was really good.  After a little while I saw Debbie.  She's the girl who works at the ice cream parlor.  I talked to Debbie and then I went and talked to Paul.  Paul is Debbie's husband.  Debbie gave me a present.  It was a pink Sprinkles shirt.  It made me feel happy.  And then I finished my ice cream and went home.

When I got home I finished my picture.  My picture was a mommy and  daughter and a toystand.  And then I started writing this blog.  And that's what happened to me. 

The End. 

P.S. The tacos were yummy!

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